

TITLE : Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns (Paperback)

AUTHOR : by Michael Bowers (Author)
PUBLISHER : Apress publisher
ISBN : 1590598040
PUB DATE : April 23, 2007
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 08/13/2007

Design patterns have been used with great success in software
programming. They improve productivity, creativity, and efficiency in
web design and development, and they reduce code bloat and complexity.
In the context of CSS and HTML, design patterns are sets of common
functionality that work across various browsers and screen readers,
without sacrificing design values or accessibility or relying on hacks
and filters. But until now they have not been applied systematically to
HTML and CSS web design and development. With the help of Pro CSS and
HTML Design Patterns, you can reap the benefits of using design patterns
in your HTML and CSS code. The book provides you with all the CSS and
HTML design patterns you need. Web development expert and author Michael
Bowers then takes you through multiple design patterns for text,
backgrounds, borders, images, forms, layouts, and much more. He shows
you exactly how each one works, and how to use them most effectively in
your own projects. After you learn about these design patterns, you'll
wonder how you ever developed web sites without them!

Pass: www.softarchive.net

Flash Website Design Pro v1.1563

Wide range templates to create flash websites, intros, banners, ads ...

Flash Website Design is the great Flash HTML tool to help web master design animated Flash websites, intros, Flash banners, Flash ads. With Flash Website Design you can create your website within 5 mins and without any skill.

The Flash Website Design enables you to create simple as well as complex Flash animations, where by you can combine different fonts and effects within a single Flash animation. Flash Website Design is very user-friendly, wide range effect templates ready for use, and you don't need any Flash/HTML or programming skills to use it.


- Photo album/slideshow
- Percent loader
- Buttons (Click/MouseOver)
- Three effect background layers
- Many different text effects to choose from
- Many different background effects to choose from
- Save as Flash animation (SWF)
- WYSIWYG interface
- Unicode UTF-8

2007-02-10 Flash Website Design v1.1 (563 templates) released, Flash8 supported
2006-11-08 Flash Website Design v1.0 (562 templates) released, added 2 templates
2006-11-01 Flash Website Design v1.0 (560 templates) released

Download : (36835 KB)

Pass : www.softarchive.net

Effective Web Design, 2nd Edition

-Learn how to take basic Web pages and turn them into astounding sites with one book; Effective Web Design.

--Covers everything from HTML to XML, animation to sound, and site management to marketing: Everything you need to build successful, powerful Web pages.

--Includes a full color insert so you can see what the pages will look like, and packed with readers, animators, editors and optimization tools.

This is a nuts and bolts coding book. In it are examples showing how to hand-code, in XHTML, sites that include images, links, tables, frames, style sheets--just about everything you might want. There's also extensive advice on planning your site design, knowing your audience, and doing e-business.
The author's fundamental approach to effective Web design is what she terms the "cross-compatibility concept," which is based upon two principles: creating valid code in the first place and creating code that will cause an older browser to either pass on content it can't handle or offer "graceful degradation." This runs counter to similar books, which advise serving up different content depending upon the user's browser.

The book is aimed at those who have used Web layout applications like GoLive, Dreamweaver, or FrontPage, but now wish to know more about the underlying code; s well as those who may already know HTML but would like to learn proper XHTML, especially as a
step toward learning XML. The author served on the W3C HTML Working Group as an invited expert, and her confident knowledge in this area is evident in her writing. Her Web consulting company is called WebGeek, which isn't surprising since the tone of this book is distinctively "geeky." But anyone looking to sharpen his or her coding skills shouldn't be deterred by that. Beginners will find the book rigorous, but Webmasters will appreciate the chapter on code validators and how to interpret error reports, and the one on improving a site's accessibility for the disabled.

Although it's less effective in dealing with basic design issues like balance and visual unity (it gets marks for effort) or in the homemade (decidedly non-slick) look of sample site designs and graphics, this book does deliver when it comes to the exacting details of XHTML. The index is as thorough as that of a science textbook, and the appendices provide quick access to the XHTML abstract module definitions and all the elements and their attributes. The CD-ROM contains code referred to in the book, along with a lot of shareware and trial copies of Web utilities for FTP, code validating, browsers, and other useful applications. --Angelynn Grant


Pass :


Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java(TM) Web Applications

Discover WTP, the New End-to-End Toolset for Java-Based Web Development
The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) seamlessly integrates all the tools today’s Java Web developer needs. WTP is both an unprecedented Open Source resource for working developers and a powerful foundation for state-of-the-art commercial products.

Eclipse Web Tools Platform offers in-depth descriptions of every tool included in WTP, introducing powerful capabilities never before available in Eclipse. The authors cover the entire Web development process–from defining Web application architectures and development processes through testing and beyond. And if you’re seeking to extend WTP, this book provides an introduction to the platform’s rich APIs. The book also

* Presents step-by-step coverage of developing persistence, business logic, and presentation tiers with WTP and Java
* Introduces best practices for multiple styles of Web and Java EE development
* Demonstrates JDBC database access and configuration
* Shows how to configure application servers for use with WTP
* Walks through creating Web service application interfaces
* Covers automated testing with JUnit and Cactus, and automated builds utilizing Ant, Maven, and CruiseControl
* Introduces testing and profiling Web applications with the Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) project
* Describes how to extend WTP with new servers, file types, and WSDL extensions

Links (5 Mb)


Developing Mainframe JAVA Applications

Book Description:
As simple Web access to data housed on corporate mainframes is fast becoming a core business requirement, mainframe programmers need to learn how to develop Java applications to keep pace with growing corporate needs. Focusing on concepts familiar to mainframe programmers, this book gives step-by-step guidance on how to use Java to access file and database structures common to mainframe environments. After comparing Java and mainframe languages such as COBOL and PL/I, Marco goes on to cover Java implementations for IBM's OS/390 and advanced Java programming techniques, including Java classes and EJB. A must-read for anyone who needs to provide users with access to business data via a Web interface, this book is a logical companion to System 390 JCL (0-471-28309-6), our bestselling mainframe programming book now in its fourth edition.

Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (July 20, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471415286
ISBN-13: 978-0471415282
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.5 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.51 pounds
File Extension: .pdf



Oracle 8i SQL Reference Guide

Oracle 8i SQL Reference Guide:

Oracle9i: The Complete Reference

SBN: 0072225211
Title: Oracle9i: The Complete Reference
Author: Kevin Loney
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Publication Date: 2002-08-16
Number Of Pages: 1256

Master all the powerful features of Oracle9i using the exclusive information inside this indispensable resource. Written by best-selling Oracle Press authors Kevin Loney and George Koch, this volume explains how to implement all the components of Oracle9i. This is a must-have reference for all Oracle professionals.



Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus - 1 edition

Title: Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus - 1 edition (December 30, 2004)
Author: Lex de Haan
Publisher: Apress
Publication Date: 2004-12-30
Number Of Pages: 488
Average Amazon Rating: 4.5

SQL is the ANSI-standard language for accessing and manipulating relational databases. Anyone (programmers, administrators, or designers) who work with a relational databases need to understand the SQL language. While most books on the market do not properly cover the basics, this book differs: it explains fundamentals in detail, supported by realistic examples.You will gain full competence to define, access, and manipulate data in an Oracle database. This book is an effective tool for you to



Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition

Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0596006322
Author: Sanjay Mishra / Alan Beaulieu
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Edition: 2 edition (June 22, 2004)Language: English
Paperback: 494 pages
The vast majority of Oracle SQL books discuss some syntax, provide the barest rudiments of using Oracle SQL, and perhaps include a few simple examples. It might be enough to pass a survey course, or give you some buzz words to drop in conversation with real Oracle DBAs. But if you use Oracle SQL on a regular basis, you want much more. You want to access the full power of SQL to write queries in an Oracle environment. You want a solid understanding of what's possible with Oracle SQL, creative techniques for writing effective and accurate queries, and the practical, hands-on information that leads to true mastery of the language. Simply put, you want useful, expert best practices that can be put to work immediately, not just non-vendor specific overview or theory. Updated to cover the latest version of Oracle, Oracle 10g, this edition of the highly regarded Mastering Oracle SQL has a stronger focus on technique and on Oracle's implementation of SQL than any other book on the market. It covers Oracle s vast library of built-in functions, the full range of Oracle SQL query-writing features, regular expression support, new aggregate and analytic functions, subqueries in the SELECT and WITH clauses, multiset union operators, enhanced support for hierarchical queries: leaf and loop detection, and the CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator, new partitioning methods (some introduced in Oracle9i Release 2), and the native XML datatype, XMLType. Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition fills the gap between the sometimes spotty vendor documentation, and other books on SQL that just don't explore the full depth of what is possible with Oracle-specific SQL. For those who want to harness the untapped (and often overlooked) power of Oracle SQL, this essential guide for putting Oracle SQL to work will prove invaluable
Password: danci


Java How to Program (4th Edition) by Deitel

Book Info
An introduction to the Java 2 Platform, Standard edition, using the author's LIVE-CODE training methods. Covers data structures/collections, exceptions, multithreading, files, streams, serialization, and more. Provides screen captures and Internet resources. Includes accompanying CD-ROM. Previous edition: c1999. Softcover. DLC: Java (Computer program language).

In Java How to Program, Fourth Edition the Deitels introduce the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java. The 4th edition includes an optional 180-page case study that introduces object-oriented design with the UML. Key 4th edition topics include:

* Applications/Applets
* Swing GUI/Event Handling
* Classes/Objects/Interfaces
* Encapsulation/Inner Classes
* OOP/Inheritance/Polymorphism
* Data Structures/Collections
* Files/Streams/Serialization
* Networking/Client/Server/Internet/Web
* Graphics/Java2D/Images/Animation
* JMF/Java Sound/Audio/Video/MIDI
* (Optional) OOD/UML/Design Patterns
* Exceptions/Multithreading

Java How to Program, Fourth Edition includes extensive pedagogic features:

* Hundreds of LIVE-CODE™ programs with screen captures that show exact outputs
* Extensive World Wide Web and Internet resources to encourage further research
* Hundreds of tips, recommended practices and cautions—all marked with icons
— Good Programming Practices
—Software Engineering Observations
—Performance Tips
—Look-and-Feel Observations
—Testing and Debugging Tips
—Common Programming Errors

* Paperback: 1546 pages
* Publisher: Prentice Hall; 4 edition (August 8, 2001)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0130341517

Download Link:


Professional Java User Interfaces

Professional Java User Interfaces (2006)

Java Database Programming Bible

Java Database Programming Bible
by John O'Donahue ISBN:0764549243
John Wiley & Sons © 2002 (702 pages)pdf
Packed with lucid explanations and lots of real-world examples, this comprehensive guide gives you
everything you need to master Java database programming techniques.
Download 3.58MB

Java After Hours: 10 Projects You'll Never Do at Work

Java After Hours: 10 Projects You'll Never Do at Work
By Steven Holzner
Publisher: Sams Publishing
Pub Date: June 08, 2005
ISBN: 0-672-32747-3
Pages: 336
Download 2.7MB

Java 2 : The Complete Reference (4th Edition) by Herbert Schildt

  • Paperback: 1077 pages
  • Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill; 4th edition (December 12, 2000)
  • Language: English
Buy from Amazon.com or
Download: Part1, Part2.

JAVA Swing

JAVA Swing

Author: Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood
Publisher: O'Reilly

Download: .pdf (7.0 MB)

Sams Teach Yourself JBuilder 2 in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself

Borland JBuilder 2 in 21 Days
Author: Don Doherty, Michelle M. Manning, Michelle M. Mannin
Publisher: Sams Publishing

Download: .pdf (10.7 MB)

Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
By David Flanagan

Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : January 2004
ISBN : 0-596-00620-9 Pages : 720
This third edition covers Java 1.4 and contains 193 complete, practical examples: over 21,900 lines of densely commented, professionally written Java code, covering 20 distinct client-side and server-side APIs. It includes new chapters on the Java Sound API and the New I/O API. The chapters on XML and servlets have been rewritten to cover the latest versions of the specifications and to demonstrate best practices for Java 1.4. New and updated examples throughout the book demonstrate many other new Java features and APIs.

Instant Messaging in Java

Instant Messaging in Java
Iain Shigeoka


Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook

Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook

Author: Bruce W Perry
Publisher: O'Reilly

Download: .chm(3.2 MB)

EJB Cookbook

EJB Cookbook

Book Description
Just as cookbooks contain step-by-step directions for creating different dishes, this book contains recipes for solving problems concerning Enterprise JavaBeans. Topics addressed range from simple, everyday issues to complex design issues using EJB patterns. Intended for developers with some EJB development experience, an understanding of the concepts of enterprise development and the basics of EJB programming is assumed. This book clearly addresses problems and issues and avoids the use of EJB keywords, making it ideal for developers who want quick solutions to frequent problems—or simply EJB development ideas. Easy-to-find recipes range from the common to the advanced and include techniques for securing a message-driven bean, generating EJB code, and improving an entity bean persistence layer.

EJB Cookbook

EJB Cookbook

Book Description
Just as cookbooks contain step-by-step directions for creating different dishes, this book contains recipes for solving problems concerning Enterprise JavaBeans. Topics addressed range from simple, everyday issues to complex design issues using EJB patterns. Intended for developers with some EJB development experience, an understanding of the concepts of enterprise development and the basics of EJB programming is assumed. This book clearly addresses problems and issues and avoids the use of EJB keywords, making it ideal for developers who want quick solutions to frequent problems—or simply EJB development ideas. Easy-to-find recipes range from the common to the advanced and include techniques for securing a message-driven bean, generating EJB code, and improving an entity bean persistence layer.

Enterprise JavaBeans, 3.0

Enterprise JavaBeans, 3.0
By Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: May 16, 2006
Print ISBN-10: 0-596-00978-X
Pages: 760

Eclipse Rich Client Platform

Eclipse Rich Client Platform: Designing, Coding, and Packaging Java™ Applications
By Jeff McAffer, Jean-Michel Lemieux
Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional
Pub Date: October 17, 2005
ISBN: 0-321-33461-2
Pages: 552

Art of Java Web Development

Art of Java Web Development : Struts, Tapestry, Commons, Velocity, JUnit, Axis, Cocoon, InternetBeans, WebWork [ILLUSTRATED]
Book Description
A guide to the skills required for state-of-the-art web development, this book covers a variety of web development frameworks. The uses of the standard web API to create applications with increasingly sophisticated architectures are highlighted, and a discussion of the development of industry-accepted best practices for architecture is included. The history and evolution toward this architecture and the reasons it is superior to previous efforts are described, and an overview of the most popular web application frameworks, their architecture, and use is provided. The same application is built in six different frameworks, allowing developers to conduct an informed comparison. An evaluation of the pros and cons of each framework is provided to assist developers in making decisions or evaluating frameworks on their own. Best practices covered include sophisticated user interface techniques, intelligent caching and resource management, performance tuning, debugging, testing, and web services.
Download 9.30MB

Java How to Program

Java™ How to Program, Sixth Edition
By H. M. Deitel - Deitel & Associates, Inc., P. J. Deitel - Deitel & Associates, Inc.
Publisher : Prentice Hall
Pub Date : August 04, 2004
Print ISBN-10 : 0131483986
eText ISBN-10 : 0-13-128933-0
Print ISBN-13 : 978-0-13-148398-9
eText ISBN-13 : 978-0-13-128933-8
Pages : 1568
Extensively revised for the latest Java (J2SE 5.0) release; Deitel Java How to Program, 6/e now includes earlier coverage of objects; new and streamlined case studies; and OPTIONAL GUI and graphics sections. Now available in a briefer version (ch. 1-10) called Small Java. SafariX version available.


By Steve Holzner

Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : April 2004
ISBN : 0-596-00641-1
Pages : 334
O'Reilly's new guide to the technology, Eclipse, provides exactly what you're looking for: a fast-track approach to mastery of Eclipse. This insightful, hands-on book delivers clear and concise coverage, with no fluff, that gets down to business immediately. The book is tightly focused, covering all aspects of Eclipse: the menus, preferences, views, perspectives, editors, team and debugging techniques, and how they're used every day by thousands of developers. Development of practical skills is emphasized with dozens of examples presented throughout the book.

Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition
By Ian F. Darwin

Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : June 2004
ISBN : 0596007019
Pages : 862
Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition gets you to the heart of what you need to know when you need to know it. The completely revised and updated recipes in Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition cover all of the major APIs from Java 1.4 as well as the new 1.5 version. It includes many specialized APIs--like those for working with Struts, Ant, and other Open Source tools--and delivers expanded Mac OS coverage.

Java Threads

Java Threads

Swing, Second Edition

Swing, Second Edition

Sams Teach Yourself Programming with Java in 24 Hours (4th Edition)

SAMS Teach Yourself Programming with Java™ in 24 Hours, FOURTH EDITION
By Rogers Cadenhead
Publisher: Sams
Pub Date: September 30, 2005
ISBN: 0672328445
Pages: 576
If you have been wanting to learn Java, check out the newly revised fourth edition of the best-seller Sams Teach Yourself Programming with Java in 24 Hours. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to create simple Java programs and applets. Comprised of 24 one-hour lessons, this new edition focuses on key programming concepts and essential Java basics, has been improved by dozens of reader comments, and is reorganized to better cover the latest developments in Java. The book's coverage of core Java programming topics has also been expanded. A great starting point for learning Java, this book is also a great primer to reading sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days.

Core Java 2 Vol - 1 and 2

Core Java™ 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, Seventh Edition
By Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell

Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : August 17, 2004
ISBN : 0131482025
Pages : 784

Core Java™ 2 Volume II - Advanced Features, Seventh Edition
By Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell

Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : November 22, 2004
ISBN : 0-13-111826-9
Pages : 1024

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4
Book Description
* Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is the specification that all enterprise Java developers need to build multi-tier applications, and also the basis for BEA's WebLogic Application Server and IBM's WebSphere
* Revised to be current with the significant J2EE 1.4 update that will drive substantial developer interest
* Written by a top-selling team of eleven experts who provide unique and substantial business examples in a vendor-neutral format, making the information applicable to various application servers
* Covers patterns, J2EE application servers, frameworks, Ant, and continuous availability
* Includes extensive intermediate and advanced coverage of J2EE APIs
* Companion Web site provides additional examples and information


Expert Oracle JDBC Programming - 1 edition (May 30, 2005)

ISBN: 159059407X
Title: Expert Oracle JDBC Programming - 1 edition (May 30, 2005)
Author: R.M. Menon
Publisher: Apress
Publication Date: 2005-05-30
Number Of Pages: 708

With Oracle in the process of de-supporting SQLJ, JDBC is now really the only recommended means of interfacing between Java and Oracle. Consequently, this book is a must have for any developer building an Oracle Java application. Many Java developers tend to treat Oracle as a "black box"; as a consequence, developers tend to write incorrect, non-scalable code. If you don't intimately know how Oracle works and expects you to program, you might avoid Oracle extensions to the standard for fear of

Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book

The Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book is a compact, detailed reference for intermediate to experienced programmers and managers who are ready to learn how to build Java programs. The book features a logical, sequential approach with concise overviews and step-by-step, ready-to-use solutions created by a master Java programmer. This book is also packed with over 150 code listings, which can be used as is or quickly modified. All of the critical Java programming features are presented, including strings, variables, loops, object-oriented programming, interfaces, applets, event handling, tables, trees, multithreaded programming and animation, debugging, networking, and more. Special chapters are also included on security and internationalization — two topics that are highly critical for Java developers.

About the Author
Al Williams (League City, TX) is the Java columnist and development section editor for Web Techniques magazine. He is the author of over a dozen popular computer books, including Active Server Pages Solutions, MFC Black Book, and Developing ActiveX Web Controls. His writing credentials also include the Windows Commando column for Visual Developer Magazine. In addition to consulting, Al frequently lectures on programming all over the United States.
Alain Trottier (Santa Ana, CA) has worked in the technology field since 1979 with a special focus on software and the Internet. He is a sought after consultant having serviced many Fortune 1000 companies and has published numerous technical articles on the Web. He has also taught at various universities and currently is a professor at Vanguard University. Mr. Trottier's specialty is architecting, designing, and building backend systems for Internet commerce.--This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Product Details
Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Paraglyph; 1 edition (August, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN: 1932111662



JSP Examples and Best Practices

SBN: 1590590201
Title: JSP Examples and Best Practices
Author: Andrew Patzer
Publisher: Apress
Publication Date: 2002-04-15
Number Of Pages: 308
Average Amazon Rating: 4.0
While most other books merely instruct on basic JSP and servlet development, JSP Examples and Best Practices gives you some of the best practices and design principles, enabling you to build scalable and extensible enterprise Java applications. And JavaServer Pages technology can be used to build complex enterprise applications in a highly re-usable manner. This book takes basic JSP and applies sound architectural principles and design patterns, to give you the tools to build scalable enterp


Java I/O (O'Reilly Java)

ISBN: 1565924851
Author: Elliotte Rusty Harold
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Edition: 1 edition (March 16, 1999)
Paperback: 596 pages
URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F1565924851
Because it doesn't provide a printf() function like C/C++, some developers think Java isn't up to snuff with files and streams. Author Rusty Harold Elliotte argues against this notion in Java I/O, a book that shows how Java's stream support can help simplify network programming, internationalization, and even compression and encryption.
The book opens with an overview of Java's stream capabilities. (The author defends Java's lack of support for console input/output (I/O) since today's applications use graphical user interfaces anyway.) He shows how to open, read, and write local files in Java applications. His file viewer example presents data in a variety of formats. (This example is improved several times until it winds up supporting different international character sets by the end of the book.)
Next the author covers network programming using URL and network streams, including sockets. Sections on filters show how classes can filter out characters within streams. The tour moves forward to cover data streams, which permit streaming of Java's primitive data types. Details on how to communicate within Java programs using pipes follow. In a notable chapter, the author thoroughly explicates Java's support for encryption, including hashing, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, and ciphers.
The last portion of the book explains object serialization, which allows Java objects to save and restore their state, plus it includes sections on Java's support for data compression (and ZIP files) and multilingual Unicode character sets. (Java is prepared to handle virtually any of the world's languages with its reader and writer classes.) Finally, the author shows how you can format output in Java using its support for width and numeric precision APIs.
In all, Elliotte makes a good case that Java streams are a flexible and powerful part of the language, and certainly not a limitation. --Richard Dragan

Mastering JavaServer Faces (Java)

ISBN: 0471462071
Title: Mastering JavaServer Faces (Java)
Author: Bill Dudney
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 2004-06-07
Number Of Pages: 480
Average Amazon Rating: 3.5
Book Id 4019
ISBN: 0471462071
Author: Bill Dudney / Jonathan Lehr / Bill Willis / LeRoy Mattingly
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0471462071
Harness the power of JavaServer Faces to create your own server-side user interfaces for the Web
This innovative book arms you with the tools to utilize JavaServer Faces (JSF), a new standard that will make building user interfaces for J2EE™ applications a lot easier. The authors begin by painting the architectural big picture–covering everything from the Patterns that are used in the implementation to the typical JSF Request/Response lifecycle. Next, you’ll learn how to use JSF in the real world by uncovering the various pieces of the JSF component model, such as UI components, events and validation. The authors then explain how to apply JSF, including how to integrate JSF user interfaces with the Business Tier and how to render your own user interface components. By following this approach, you’ll be able to confidently create and validate your own custom applications that meet the needs of your company.
Whether working in J2EE or J2SE™, this book will show you how to: [list] [*]Use UI Components to build your user interface [*]Ensure that the data you store meets the business rules for your application [*]Integrate JSF with JSPs through the custom Tag feature in JSP implementations [*]Build JSF applications that interact with either EJBs or POJOs [*]Validate a new component and queue events to invoke custom application logic [*]Move your application from Struts to JSF[/list]


Java Persistence with Hibernate

Persistence-the ability of data to outlive an instance of a program-is central to modern applications. Hibernate, the most popular Java persistence tool, provides automatic and transparent object/relational mapping making it a snap to work with SQL databases in Java applications. Hibernate applications are cheaper, more portable, and more resilient to change. Because it conforms to the new EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence 1.0 standard, Hibernate allows the developer to seamlessly create efficient, scalable Java EE applications.

Java Persistence with Hibernate explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. You'll immediately dig into the rich programming model of Hibernate 3.2 and Java Persistence, working through queries, fetching strategies, caching, transactions, conversations, and more. You'll also appreciate the well-illustrated discussion of best practices in database design, object/relational mapping, and optimization techniques.

In this revised edition of the bestselling Hibernate in Action, authors Christian Bauer and Gavin King-the founder of the Hibernate project-cover Hibernate 3.2 in detail along with the EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence standard. Download links;
Download This Book Download link 1
Download This Book Download link 2 (Mirror)


J2EE Professional Projects

Use Java 2 Enterprise Edition to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. Incorporating three hands-on projects, J2EE Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of J2EE. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. Using the projects as your guide, you will create a chat application, create an online banking application, and create an online music application. You will be able to use the skills that you develop throughout the book to modify the projects to fit your professional needs.

Book Info
Provides a hands-on approach to learning Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Aimed at readers who have a basic knowledge of programming. Covers the future direction of the programming language and offers a quick reference for topics related to Java. Softcover. CD-ROM included. Download links;
Download This Book Download link 1
Download This Book Download link 2 (Mirror)


Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework

The Spring Framework is a major open source application development framework that makes Java/J2EE(TM) development easier and more productive. This book shows you not only what Spring can do but why, explaining its functionality and motivation to help you use all parts of the framework to develop successful applications.

You will be guided through all the Spring features and see how they form a coherent whole. In turn, this will help you understand the rationale for Spring's approach, when to use Spring, and how to follow best practices. All this is illustrated with a complete sample application. When you finish the book, you will be well equipped to use Spring effectively in everything from simple Web applications to complex enterprise applications.

What you will learn from this book
* The core Inversion of Control container and the concept of Dependency Injection
* Spring's Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework and why AOP is important in J2EE development
* How to use Spring's programmatic and declarative transaction management services effectively
* Ways to access data using Spring's JDBC functionality, iBATIS SQL Maps, Hibernate, and other O/R mapping frameworks
* Spring services for accessing and implementing EJBs
* Spring's remoting framework

Who this book is for

This book is for Java/J2EE architects and developers who want to gain a deeper knowledge of the Spring Framework and use it effectively.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

From the Back Cover
The Spring Framework is a major open source application development framework that makes Java/J2EE™ development easier and more productive. This book shows you not only what Spring can do but why, explaining its functionality and motivation to help you use all parts of the framework to develop successful applications.

You will be guided through all the Spring features and see how they form a coherent whole. In turn, this will help you understand the rationale for Spring's approach, when to use Spring, and how to follow best practices. All this is illustrated with a complete sample application. When you finish the book, you will be well equipped to use Spring effectively in everything from simple Web applications to complex enterprise applications.

What you will learn from this book

* The core Inversion of Control container and the concept of Dependency Injection
* Spring's Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework and why AOP is important in J2EE development
* How to use Spring's programmatic and declarative transaction management services effectively
* Ways to access data using Spring's JDBC functionality, iBATIS SQL Maps, Hibernate, and other O/R mapping frameworks
* Spring services for accessing and implementing EJBs
* Spring's remoting framework

Who this book is for

This book is for Java/J2EE architects and developers who want to gain a deeper knowledge of the Spring Framework and use it effectively.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job. Download links;
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Core JavaServer Faces (Core Series)

JavaServer Faces promises to bring rapid user-interface development to server-side Java. It allows developers to painlessly write server-side applications without worrying about the complexities of dealing with browsers and Web servers. It also automates low-level, boring details like control flow and moving code between web forms and business logic.

JavaServer Faces was designed to support drag and drop development of server-side applications," but you can also think of it as a conceptual layer on top of servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Experienced JSP developers will find that JavaServer Faces provides much of the plumbing that they currently have to implement by hand. If you already use a server-side framework such as Struts, you will find that JavaServers Faces uses a similar architecture, but is more flexible and extensible. JavaServer Faces also comes with server-side components and an event model, which are fundamentally similar to the same concepts in Swing.

JavaServer Faces is quickly becoming the standard Web-application framework. Core JavaServer Faces is the one book you need to master this powerful and time-saving technology.

Without assuming knowledge of JSP and servlets, Core JavaServer Faces:

* shows how to build more robust applications and avoid tedious handcoding
* answers questions most developers don't even know to ask
* demonstrates how to use JSF with Tiles to build consistent user interfaces automatically
* provides hints, tips, and explicit "how-to" information that allows you to quickly become more productive
* explains how to integrate JSF with databases, use directory services, wireless apps, and Web services
* teaches best practices and good habits like using style sheets and message bundles
* covers all of the JSF tags and how to create new tag libraries

About the Author

Cay S. Horstmann is a professor of computer science at San Jose State University. Previously he was vice president and chief technology officer of Preview Systems Inc. and a consultant on C++, Java, and Internet programming for major corporations, universities, and organizations. Download links;
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